February 8, 2025


Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Bagbin has indicated that from the next sitting of Parliament, the doors will be closed at exactly 10 am when the sitting starts.

He says it is part of efforts to fight latecomers as Members of Parliament have now become habitual latecomers.

“You can see that we are having challenges with early attendance. Now if it’s the pleasure of members to always start at 10, then we will have to put additional measures in place. You all know that the Chief doesn’t go to sit to wait for his subjects.

Nowhere in any Parliament in the world will the speaker always go and sit and wait for members of Parliament to come in. It doesn’t happen anywhere in the world. So please from the first meeting of the fourth session of the Eighth Parliament of the Fourth Republic at 10 am, the doors will be locked. It will take some time before the doors are opened.

If you’re not able to comply with it then let’s all agree that we will always start sitting in the afternoon from 2 or 4. The committees will have their meetings in the morning, reports will be ready for us to consider in the afternoon and then by the time we adjourn either 8 pm, the traffic situation might be improved. The two caucuses either have joint caucus meetings or at your level have these meetings and come back with your proposals. If not these are the measures I want to put in place which will take effect from next meeting,” he said in Parliament.



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