October 18, 2024


A Member of Parliament for Old Tafo in the Ashanti Region, Ekow Vincent Assafuah, has acknowledged that the Free SHS program has its challenges.

However, he is of the view that every novel policy will have challenges, but these challenges can be surmounted if the country comes together to address them.

Ekow Vincent Assafuah argued that it is imperative to get a great number of young Ghanaians of school-going age to receive at least a senior high school education, which hitherto was not the case.

“I must be frank with you, we have a problem. However, I do not think that we will want to, based on the challenges that we are facing in that sector, deny poor people an education. For me, young people should sit on the floor without a desk to learn rather than not be educated. For me, a young person should go to school without a slipper and be educated.

I am not saying that challenges are ones that we cannot deal with. But I’m also saying that in all of these cases, are our kids not being educated or not? If they are being educated, let’s come together as one people, all hands on deck, to be able to deal with the challenges that the free SHS is giving us. Mind you, it’s a novel policy, and of course, any novel policy will have challenges, but we should be able to show that political will,” he opined on Accra-based Citi FM.



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