February 8, 2025


The purpose of the article is to concentrate on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) and their impact on copyright holders and copyright law. However, to properly comprehend these ramifications, it is equally important to understand how an NFT is created or “minted” and how ownership of an NFT is transferred.

Minting of an NFT: Meaning

Minting NFT is the process of creating a crypto collectable or digital asset on the Ethereum blockchain. An item or file can never be edited, modified, or deleted from a decentralized database or distributed ledger. Minting is the process of uploading a particular object into the blockchain.

In other words, “NFT Minting” is the process of adding your digital art or material to the Ethereum blockchain. Like real money, non-fungible tokens are “minted” after creation. This procedure converts a basic file into a crypto asset that can be purchased or sold on a digital marketplace without an intermediary.

Purchase of NFT

Once the NFT is generated, the digital asset may be advertised on exchanges or made available to purchasers in other ways. NFT purchasers must have digital wallets capable of receiving and holding such digital assets, much as physical wallets are meant to store conventional currencies. NFTs may be acquired using cryptocurrencies on market platforms such as OpenSea, SuperRar, Rarible, CryptoPunks, etc. Finally, cryptocurrencies are obtained using a credit card.

NFTs Copyright issues 

With the growing demand for “minting” of creative works (NFTs are now minted for music, gaming assets, and many sorts of videography), this development naturally raises difficulties about not just copyright ownership but also ownership enforcement. It’s not a surprise that when you buy an NFT, you don’t get the copyright to the work that isn’t on the blockchain. So, when you sell a physical copy of almost any kind of creative work, the person who made it or the person who owns the copyright is in charge of the copyright.

For the copyright holder, ownership offers exclusive rights. Included in this license is the right to make and sell derivative works and exhibit and perform the work created publicly. So, how would the transfer of a freshly “minted” sub-edition of creative work affect a copyright holder in the end? We may see a rise in copyright infringement concerns. The bulk of the population hasn’t even heard of these services. Therefore would copyright owners be forced to implement stricter monitoring measures? 

Despite the recent surge in interest in NFTs, the answers to these concerns are just now beginning to emerge. Take expert advice like HHS copyright lawyers in Dubai

The NFT Copyright Ownership:

By and large, the acquisition of an NFT confers Copyright ownership exclusively on the purchaser of the exact copy or version of the work represented by the NFT. It is a myth that buying an NFT entitles the purchaser to access all copies or versions of the underlying material.

Does the selling of an NFT constitute a transfer of ownership of the underlying asset?

It is likely the most often asked question about NFTs among people. Acquiring possession of an NFT that represents a work that contains copyright or Copyright in NFT does not automatically confer on the new owner of the NFT copyright in the underlying work.

This role, however, is subject to a contract modification. The smart contract that regulates an NFT may define how property rights, including copyright, are transferred upon the NFT’s sale. Additionally, standard terms and conditions applicable to the selling of NFTs may be used. The sale of an NFT can also come with a contract for sale, a copyright assignment, or an agreement relating to a copyright license that lays out how copyright is handled in the deal. A written agreement would most likely regulate a valuable NFT sale and explicitly specify how copyright is protected.

NFT Copyright infringement

NFT Copyright infringement emerged, for example, when artists’ work has been duplicated and marketed as an NFT without their consent. For instance, in one of the cases where Ludwig Holmen, a 27-year-old digital artist, recently found that an unidentified individual deceived almost 2,000 people in an auction presale by producing NFTs ostensibly for a collection of Holmen’s images of digital figurines. The buyers who got nothing but photos of emoticons in return for their bids raised $138,000 during the presale.

The minting and selling of NFTs are vulnerable to copyright infringement and the violation of the author’s moral rights. It is possible to commit copyright infringement by minting an NFT of a public domain work and fraudulently claiming copyright ownership on the underlying asset. A person who is not the creator or owner of the copyright in the underlying asset may also infringe on their moral rights by minting an NFT and falsely claiming that they are the author or copyright owner of the work. The anonymous properties of the blockchain make it impossible to determine who is the legitimate inventor or copyright holder of the underlying piece of an NFT, which is particularly problematic in the context of NFTs.

This article aims to provide a general overview of the subject. The information included herein may not be appropriate in all circumstances and should not be relied upon without seeking specialized legal counsel based on specific cases.

For more information on NFT Copyright Infringement or NFT Copyright issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.



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