October 18, 2024


Controller and Accountant General, Kwasi Kwaning-Bosompem, has warned that all employees on the payroll of the Government who fail to acquire their national identification cards, the Ghana Card, by March 2024, risk not receiving their salaries or any other payment that passes through his outfit.

Mr Kwaning-Bosompem explained that the move to have all public sector workers register for the Ghana Card is aimed at tackling the phenomenon of “ghost names” – non-existent workers who salaries go into the pockets of unscrupulous persons.

 “The menace of unapproved names has long been a matter of concern and a threat to our national development. These unapproved names, popularly called ‘ghost names’, not only drain our limited resources but also undermine the trust and confidence that citizens have in payroll governance. It is our responsibility as custodians of public funds to ensure that every penny is spent wisely and reaches those for whom it is intended,” he explained, adding that his outfit is working with the National Identification Authority (NIA), issuers of the Ghana Card, to do away with ghost names.

“Furthermore it [ the linkage of data of the NIA and the Controller and Accountant General’s Department] will eliminate the problem of ‘ghost names’, allowing us to redirect funds to crucial sectors of the economy,” he stressed.

Mr. Kwaning-Bosompem made this known during the launch of a digital solution to sanitize the payroll of the Government.

Meanwhile, teacher organisations have said that even though it is encouraging their members to get the Ghana Card, they kicked against the warning by the Controller and Accountant General’s Department to delete the names of their members over the lack of the cards, saying that the department does not have such powers under the Constitution.



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