July 27, 2024


Vice President of policy think tank the Imani Centre for Policy and Education (Imani Africa) Kofi Bentil has described the cancellation of a Pan-Africanist programme put together by presidential aspirant Nana Kwame Bediako (alias Cheddar) as unnecessary, stressing that the state should not have cancelled the programme.

Speaking on Multimedia’s Newsfile programme Saturday on the last-minute cancellation of the programme, dubbed the Convention, that was organized by Nana Kwame Bediako’s New Africa Foundation, Kofi Bentil stated that the state succeeded in making the news of the programme more than the organisers did.

He described Nana Kwame Bediako, who sought to use the programme to launch his presidential ambition, as a very flamboyant young man, who engages in “bombastic exhibitionism, and who should be allowed to bring some drama amidst all the tension in the country.

“This is a very flamboyant young guy. Even his political campaign involves voodoo masks, you know, hidden strategies, invitation of people who were not exactly told what they were going to do mean that is the style of this young man.

And look after all the tension and everything going on in this country, a little bit of drama is useful even in presidential politics,” Mr Bentil said.

He added that while the state must allow him to engage in his political activities, it must not waste state resources on him such as it did in cancelling his programme.

“He says he is our salvation and he is here to save us. Let’s take it as it is. He is using voodoo masks, but he says we should not be afraid of him. Let’s take it like that. It is going to inject some kind of levity into the campaign. What we should not do is to deploy serious state resources to try and cancel his event,” he advised.

On January 7, 2024, the Government cancelled the Convention, a programme organised by the New Africa Foundation which brought together some of Africa’s foremost pan-Africanists. The founder of the New Africa Foundation and leader of the New Force sought to use the programme to announce his political ambition. Many have described the cancellation as unnecessary.



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