July 27, 2024


Lieutenant Colonel Kwame Owusu-Afriyie has been named as the 36th Commanding Officer of the 5th Infantry Battalion to supervise operations in Central and Greater Accra Region ahead of the 2024 elections. 

A Religious Induction Service has since been held to formally solemnize the induction into office of the Commanding Officer of Ghana Army’s 5 Infantry Battalion (5Bn). 

According to reports, the Induction Service took place at the Arakan Methodist Presbyterian Church, Arakan Barracks, Burma Camp, on Sunday 14 January, 2024, with the General Officer Commanding (GOC), Southern Command Brigadier General (Brig Gen) Samuel Yeboah Asare, as the Guest of Honour.

Brig Gen Samuel Yeboah Asare said in 2024, 5Bn must direct effort at ensuring that the peace, security and tranquillity of the entire Ghana is preserved at all times, even though the battalion has a specific task of ensuring the serenity of the Greater Accra and Central Regions, on its operational front.

Brig Gen Samuel Yeboah Asare charged the 5Bn troops to mindful of their security responsibilities by closing their ranks, being vigilant and responsive to call to duty at all times, particularly as the political temperature of Ghana’s electioneering is expected to rise immensely, in 2024 – a year in which Ghana holds its General Elections, Peace Journal chronicled. 

Lt Col. Owusu Afriyie on his part said in terms of operations, all Unit Operational Duties are being performed, and that the Unit will continue to play its role of supporting the civil authorities, in maintaining Law and Order, before, during and after Ghana’s 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary elections.

Lt Col Owusu-Afriyie assumed command of 5Bn on Thursday, November 9, 2023 was only formally inducted on 14th January 2024. 



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