July 27, 2024


The leader of the New Force, Nana Kwame Bediako, says the Ghana Immigration Service has not been able to provide the forged documents they claim Shalimar Abbisusi was using for her residency in Ghana.

He made this known when he spoke on Accra-based TV3 in an interview.

He said in an interview with TV3 that “The Ghana Immigration Service could not provide the forged documents of Shalimar Abbisusi.”

Shalimar Abbisusi was repatriated by the Ghana Immigration Service in December 2023.

Investigations revealed that Abbiusi initially arrived in Ghana on September 4, 2017, through the Kotoka International Airport and had been a frequent visitor until 2018 when she claimed residency as a student at the Ghana Christian University College.

However, checks from the college exposed that Abbiusi had never been a student, and the documents purportedly issued by the institution to support her application for a residence permit were forged.

Even though the government dropped the charges levelled against her, she was repatriated to her home country, Belgium.

Her Lawyer, Francis Xavier Sosu reacting the handling of her case by the Ghana Immigration Service as a Human Right Abuse. To him, same way Ghanaians abroad expect to be treated fairly, same should be done to citizens of other countries in Ghana.



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