July 27, 2024


Managing Director for the State Transport Company (STC) and a leading member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Akomeah, says the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is known for failure.

He says the track record of the former president, who wants another term after being booted out of power in 2016, is available for all to see.

Indicating that he has nothing new to offer the people of Ghana.

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To him, the electorates know how John Dramani Mahama, as president, collapsed businesses in the country with the intermittent power cut when he was president and will not fall for the lies.

”I wonder why the NDC elected John Mahama to lead them in the 2024 polls because we know his track record as vice president of Ghana.”.

John Mahama is a tried and failed leader; he became president of Ghana for four and a half years, and what he did was plunge the country into “dumsor” where people’s businesses collapsed,” he stated.

Nana Akomeah was speaking at the acclamation event for Okaikwei South lawmaker, Darkoa Newman when he made these remarks.



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